Altay Tank Hikayes. It is named in honor of army general fahrettin altay who commanded the 5th cavalry corps in the final stage of the turkish war of independenceit is one of the most expensive tank designs with a unit cost of 1375 million dollars. Altai gas pipeline a.

Three or more goals per match were recorded in 5 of the last 6 meetings where chornomorets odessa have participated. Altay tanks with 7 pairs of wheels. Mayor altay made a statement about konya metro and other investments.
Halen tsk envanterinde bine yakın tank.
Within the scope of this project the objective is to design develop and produce a prototype of a tank domestically that is equipped with cutting edge technology weapon systems and has high mobility and survivability long range and effective fire impact power advanced electronic operational capability develop its fire control and command control. Altay main battle tank. Altay tankının seri üretimi kapsamında kara kuvvetleri komutanlığı için ilk etapta 250 tank üretilecek. 500 altay tankının envantere girmesiyle birlikte tsk envanterindeki tankların yarısını altay tankları oluşturacak.