Müslüman Sporcu Naman Hikayes. Posts both in english and turkish are welcome. I received this poem from a friend but she said her english is not good to translate it.

Pulga xoroz urishtiradigan qimorbozlar ortasida yuzaga kelgan bolishi mumkin izohi bilan tarqalgan video yuzasidan namangan viloyati iib ning rasmiy bayonoti. This subreddit is for news and discussion about turkey. This subreddit is for news and discussion about turkey.
This subreddit is for news and discussion about turkey.
324k members in the turkey community. Jan 31 2021 this pin was discovered by prisoners boss. Merhaba arkadaşlar bu videoda sizlere müslüman sporcuları gösterdikbeğenmeyipaylaşmayı ve abone olmayı unutmayın. Kaleme alan ve seslendirenali haydar çetintürk hocaefendi.